Alexander County, North Carolina is requesting statements of qualifications from qualified professional civil engineers for the design, bidding, and construction oversight upgrades for the sanitary sewer main extension from the upstream manhole flowing to the sanitary sewer pump station on PID 139367 to the subject property on PID 137930. This sanitary sewer main extension will be 2,525 linear feet and will be routed through Alexander County PID 0067757, Alexander Railroad PID 0062292, and Alexander Railroad PID 0067284 to the subject property. The proposed sewer main extension will be constructed at minimum slope to support the development of the Alexander County Industrial Park on PID 137930. This project is funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission.
The overall objectives of this project include the following:
• Planning, design, and permitting for the proposed project
• Preparing bid documents and specifications
• Providing assistance with bidding, bid tabulation, and recommendation of award
• Construction phase administration and observation
• Potential Federal funding requirements